Friday 15 May 2009

Save me Elika

Prince of Persia is too easy. I’ve heard this statement made many times on various podcasts and forums but I strongly disagree with this common view. Prince of Persia was made with accessibility in mind and the experience is much better because of it.

One of the complaints I always hear is "You Can't Die". You can die; you just aren’t seeing a death animation and a game over screen. Getting saved by Elika is just another form of the game over screen without reloading and replaying large sections over and over and making the game way more frustrating than it has to be. It also allows the player to experiment and attempt crazy jumps and things that you would be apprehensive about trying if there was a serious threat of death. However, I do agree that there could be some kind of death penalty for failing in combat though but the regenerative health for bosses is a good enough disadvantage for the player. Without a serious punishment for dying there isn’t a sense of danger or urgency while fighting. The less serious penalty for failing in combat is just a longer battle, which can end up being annoying when a battle goes on way longer than you have the patience for. The main draw for me was the exploration and the story (yes, i really enjoyed the POP story) and if this was a way for less skilled gamers to get the chance to experience all that and still have a good time, so be it.

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